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Basalioma is a locally infiltrating (germinating) formation that is formed from epidermal cells or hair follicles and is characterized by slow growth, very rare metastasis and non-aggressive properties. It is also characterized by frequent recurrence after removal. Its peripheral cells histologically resemble those of nortriptyline 25mg layer of the epidermis, which is how it got its name. This skin disease occurs mainly in open areas of the skin, most exposed to sunlight.

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These are, first of all, the skin on the head, mainly in the frontal-temporal zone, and the neck. Basalioma of the skin of the face is especially often localized on the nose, in the area of the nasolabial folds and on the eyelids. On average, in 96% of patients it is single, in 2.6% it is multiple (2-7 or more foci).
Basalioma, basal cell carcinoma, is a malignant tumor of the skin that develops from the basal layer of the epidermis, is characterized by slow growth and the absence of metastases. The causes of the development of basalioma, like other tumors, are not yet precisely established. However, the so-called predisposing factors have been identified, the presence of which in a person increases the risk of developing basalioma.
In addition to predisposing factors, basaliomas have precancerous diseases, the presence of which significantly increases the risk of developing a tumor, since they can degenerate into rak. Precancerous diseases of pamelor pills include the following.

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When the above precancerous skin diseases appear, they should be treated in a timely manner, because if these conditions are left unattended, they can degenerate into a malignant tumor, not only into basalioma, but also into melanoma or squamous cell skin cancer.
In 90% of cases, basalioma is localized in the indicated areas of the skin of the face. In the remaining 10% of cases, the tumor may form on the skin of the trunk, arms or legs.
The manifestations of basalioma in the formed neoplasm are quite typical, which makes it possible to make a fairly accurate diagnosis already when examining the patient. External signs are determined by the type of tumor.
The most common type of basalioma is the nodular variant, which is manifested by the appearance of a small painless pinkish nodule on the surface of the skin. As the nodule grows, it tends to ulcerate, so a depression appears on the surface, covered with a crust.
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The neoplasm slowly increases in size, the appearance of new similar structures is also possible, which reflects the multicentric superficial type of tumor growth. Over time, the nodules merge with each other, forming a dense infiltrate that penetrates deeper and deeper into the underlying tissue, involving not only the subcutaneous layer, but also cartilage, ligaments, and bones. The nodular form most often develops on the skin of the face, eyelid, in the region of the nasolabial triangle.
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The nodular form is also manifested by the growth of neoplasia in the form of a single node, but, unlike the previous version, the tumor does not tend to grow into the underlying tissues, and the node is oriented outward. Surface form - looks like a rounded red-brown plaque, more than one centimeter in diameter. The surface of the tumor is covered with crusts in places, mosaically atrophied, and may have areas of Nortriptyline pigmentation. Periods of atrophy, desquamation and active growth alternate in waves in different parts of the tumor, so its surface is heterogeneous. There is also a characteristic pearl border raised above the skin surface along the edge.
